Monday, December 04, 2006

Blog "Blogcked"

I'm here! My brain has just been "blogcked" for things to blog about!
This past week filled with busy school schedule, a lot of time with grandkids, Christmas program "stuff" and I'm not sure what else.

I spent Saturday with some dear friends touring some Flat Rock homes on a Christmas decoration tour. Less than impressive, but fun! Diane and Ron-- I'm thinking your village display would have been much more interesting.

Friday night I tried to stay awake to watch "Polar Express". I was awed by the graphics and even more so when we were at Em and Bob's last night and watched part of it on their new 50" HDTV screen (they had TIVO'd it). I'm so behind the times technologically speaking.

We went to their house to have semi-pro photographer Bob take our pictures for our Christmas letter. Perhaps I'll leave it out. Not that Bob isn't a great picture taker. It's the material he had to work with. I've spent my lifetime thinking I don't resemble anyone is my family, but in this new picture I see a resemblance to a couple of my North Dakota aunts (I believe it's the jowels I seem to have developed.)

It's time to start my school day! I'll try harder to blog more often this week.


At 7:55 PM, Blogger Mrs. Patterson said...

Why thank you. I look forward to more blogs from you. I'm also looking forward to your Christmas letter. Sorry I missed the tour, sounds like it had great potential for sarcasm. How was lunch?

At 8:28 PM, Blogger Pam said...

Lunch at The Bear Lodge was good! We missed you! Yes, sarcasm was in order. But we held our tongues pretty well.


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