When Did We Become Such Wimps?

Mind you--I'm not complaining--especially since I have another day off of school. But I'm just wondering--when did we become such wimps? My dad tells stories of being on his horse out in the fields on his farm in North Dakota bringing in the cows when the temperature was -45 degrees! What about the schoolchildren in Minnesota, or Alaska, or Siberia? Do they have all their 0 and below days off? I don't remember ever having "cold" days off when I was a child. Is it because scarves are now outlawed in some schools?-- a choking danger. Don't we all remember that feeling of our spit and snot freezing on the inside of the scarf, and peeking through the little space between our stocking hats and our scarves? What will be the magic temperature (the fine line) to say that it's now safe to go to school again? They say tomorrow will be a degree or two warmer--will that difference make the difference?? Will we have to make up these days or will school be called off in June when we have the danger of "Hot" days?
We became wimps when public education became expensive. In my not-so-humble opinion, this is mostly about an opportunity to save money. Yesterday I took the garbage out and I experienced the freezing of the spit and the snot, no kid should miss that. That's pure physical science.
It is a ploy to save money and energy. We shut down a whole week in Feb. and save thousands of dollars. I can live with it though!
I'm wondering about those "hot" days off too. You know there are kids in Palm Springs that go to school in 120 degree weather...I wonder if we'll ever have a day off here!
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