Monday, March 12, 2007

This and that of our weekend!

I was going to post some pictures today that I took in my mom's apartment after the memorial service, but I forgot to load them into the computer. Monday, Monday! The Woehlke girls went home after spending 3 nights with us (or was it 4?). Their hardwood floors are finished and the smell is gone. Poor Lucy was sick while she was there (I guess she caught the stomach bug that Sophie had earlier.) Yesterday, I should have caught up on laundry, vacuumed, and numerous other things, but instead I sort of "vegged out" and I installed my new phone and read up and all the in and outs of making calls, changing ringers, filling the "phone book", set up the answering machine, etc., etc., etc. If I just remember how to answer the phone and retrieve messages I'll be doing well. Saturday we got our taxes done, and we're celebrating! Compared to last year we are much more in the "black". We discovered that I had made a huge mistake on last year's taxes, and thus paid much more in estimated taxes than we needed too. Consequently, we're getting much more back, and we'll also receive a check in the summer because of our amended return. Yayyyy! Have a great week, everyone!


At 7:35 PM, Blogger Melissa R. Forgacs said...

That is always good news! I'm dreading doing my taxes because I have to file in both MI and CA!!

At 6:35 AM, Blogger Mrs. Patterson said...

It must be nice to make a huge mistake in your favor.


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