Camping at Grammy and Grampy's
Last night we had a campout in our yard. Except for some mosquitos, it was a grand time.
Quinn helped his dad putting up the tent.

Lucy kept heading for the stairs! So she didn't stay around long. She and her daddy went to sleep in their own beds.

Grampy offers some TLC.

There was time for silliness.

There was huddling around the campfire (with a bit of mosquito battling - particularly Emily).

There was dancing and toasting marshmallows.

The evening ended with a bedtime story by Grampy. Afterwards, Heidi, Scott and all the children except Lucy stayed in the cool 3-room tent that Heidi found at a garage sale.

About seven in the morning in came the march of cold campers into the house. We had waffles, bacon, and blueberries for breakfast and everyone headed home. What a fun campout!
It all sounds like fun, minus the sleeping in a tent & mosquitoes.
It all sounds like fun, minus the sleeping in a tent and mosquitoes, and putting up a tent, and taking down a tent, and smelling a tent, and storing a tent, and having to go to the bathroom while sleeping in a tent, and rolling up sleeping bags. I'm sure it doesn't matter one bit to the grandkids that I'm not for camping. I'm sure if I ever get the opportunity to camp with my grandkids, I'll go for it. (maybe) I like the way you did it, and breakfast sounded yummy.
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