My Brain is Fried

This week for my class we are studying "Learning Aptitude". Our assignment this week is to take an IQ Test online several times. It happens to be one that is designed to see if you could gain membership in a genius club. We are supposed to learn the different components of the test which cover all kinds of areas. The first time I took the test I thought I would show up borderline mentally retarded because the questions were so hard and especially the mathematics portion- all kinds of theories and words I've never heard of. The test changes every time you take it and so far I've taken it about six times. The results were somewhat surprising. The scores fluctuated between slightly above average to superior. I think we're supposed to learn that these tests are just an estimate and that you certainly can't base a total eligibility decision for special ed on one IQ test. What I've learned about myself is pretty typical of me. Sometimes my brain works very well and sometimes "not so much". If you'd like to try it go to and take the TA3 test. Good luck, brainiacs!
Ok, so I got an average score, right in the middle, but I think I guessed on at least half of the questions. I am wondering what score I'd get if I guessed on all of them? Maybe I'd be a genius!
Maybe after my nap.
No thanks I haven't a brain left after working in public education for 25 years
I got a 115. I cant imagine taking that test 6 times, once was enough for me! For as many as I guess on, I thought I would get a terrible score.
Oh man!!! Suleyman and I decided to try these together. I did the visual stuff and he did the math and we collaborated on the rest. We ended up with 126 and I have to say it's disturbing to me that he was able to shout out the conjectures and theories before I gave him the choices. Who knows this stuff??? I don't think this is a club I'd feel comfy in even if they let me in the door by mistake! :)
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