Let It Snow! But Wait Until I'm Home
It's 7:00 on Sunday morning and I'm here at church. Rather than us having two cars out in this snow--I rode in with Tom. It's supposed to be a very busy day. Two Praise Team church services, Sunday School Program practice between services, a wedding at 1:30, an open house at Brecon Village from 3-5 and the Children's Christmas Program at 6:30. But who knows how the day will work out. I feel sorry for the people who are having the wedding. We most likely will postpone the Christmas Program until Wednesday. My hope is that all God's children will be safe and warm this day! And, I guess I can hope for a day off school tomorrow as well.
Happy Birthday to Kaleigh! Now I have two favorite 3 year old girls!
Last Christmas!

Happy Birthday Kaleigh. God bless your snow play.
Did you end up postponing the Christmas program?? I'm crossing my fingers for your snow day tomorrow. Wish we had sun days here...the kind that didn't require capital letters. =)
Yes, we postponed our program until Wednesday evening. The wedding went on as planned, as did the open house at my mom's place. We actually had a lot more people attending than I thought there would be--in church, at the wedding, and at the open house. We began to wonder if we should have called off the program when the sun came out about four o'clock. But I think every school in Southeast Michigan is closed today. Yayyy!
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