Monday, March 03, 2008

Ham, Anyone?

Conversation with Quinn last night.

Quinn: "Grammy, that chicken looks good."

Grammy: "Thank you, Quinn, but it's not chicken, it's pork. Do you know where pork comes from?"

Quinn: "No"

Grammy: "It comes from a pig."

Quinn: "Oh!.....I know where ham comes from!"

Grammy: "You do? Where?"

Quinn: "From a hamster."



At 8:45 PM, Blogger Mrs. Patterson said...

I am so glad you have documented that conversation, it will be fun to recall years from now.

At 10:22 PM, Blogger Christie said...

Haha!! That just brightened up my day!! Gotta love the way children's minds work.

At 10:34 AM, Blogger Amanda G said...

That's too cute!! I think I'll pass on the ham, though. =)


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