Ahhhh! Spring

What a gorgeous evening it was last night! The magnolia and pear trees are starting to blossom, the grass is green and beautiful, no mosquitoes, Heidi's kids were over and the Patterson's stopped by! It was a perfect spring setting.
But somehow I was wishing I lived in a condo. When I walked around outside I saw all the spring chores that need to get done. Flowerbeds cleaned out and planted, bushes trimmed, weeds pulled, pond refilled, deck stained, etc. etc. etc. Like I told Joyce, "I'll think about all of that after the wedding." In the meantime, weeds - don't grow too much; and mosquitoes - don't make a comeback! But trees - you can go ahead and blossom!!
As much as I love to see the budding and the blossoming, it doesn't bring forth the burst of energy it used to. I sometimes think I could enjoyce a couple planters and hanging baskets on a patio and a walk in a park as much as the dozen flower beds and all that needs to be tended to on these two acres. It was fun to look at your Magnolia blossoms with your grandkids.
The kids had a fun time for sure. They said, "we got to play with Joyce... she is Grammys friend."
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