Prayers for the Woehlke Girls

Please keep Ella and Lucy in your prayers today. Ella is having surgery to remove the extra toes she was born with. She will be in casts for a few weeks.
Lucy has been sick for about a week with fever, listlessness, and seeming pain. She had gone to the doctor who thought it was a virus and it would pass. It didn't, so last night they took her to urgent care and they figured out that it's a urinary tract infection! Poor thing! She is now on antibiotics--please pray for quick improvement.
You might as well pray for the rest of the Woehlke girls while you're at it. Sophia has been going through the terrible two's and craving attention while Mom has had to hold Lucy almost constantly. Pray for Emily who hasn't gotten much sleep and who has been under the stress of it all!
I'm not a Woehlke girl, but you can pray for me, too. I'll be watching Sophia and Lucy while Mom, Dad, and Ella are at the hospital. Pray that Lucy and Sophia won't miss their mom and dad too much and that we'll have a good day!
God bless teh Woehlke's! I'm praying for all of you; let us know how it goes!
Thanks for the prayers! Ella did wonderfully--never cried--not even scared. She is resting at home and has to keep her feet up for 2 days. Lucy is doing better also. Still not 100% but much improved since yesterday. The day went well with Lucy and Sophia also!
I'm so glad to hear that Ella and Lucy are doing well! Now hopefully Emily can get some sleep :)
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