What a Beautiful Weekend!

What a beautiful weekend this was! And now, I'm thinking about how beautiful my dad's birthday must be in heaven today! He would have been 90 today. He always said he wanted to live to be 90. Before he died, I asked him, "Dad, do you still want to live to be 90?" and he answered, "No, it's not that important anymore." Happy Birthday, Dad! A lot of us will remember you today!

We spent a lot of time at the Woehlke's this weekend. Friday night Em and Bob had us and the McClelland's over for a barbecue. Saturday, Bob, Scott, Bob's brother Bill, and Tom spent all day putting up a new play structure for the girls. It's quite the "park" as the girls call it. A slide, a gazebo off the ground, a tunnel, three swings, a rock climbing wall, a fireman's pole and a rope climber. It took the four of them 8 hours to put together. (And I forgot my camera!). Sunday we went back to the Woehlke's for a Mother's Day brunch. Isn't that a beautiful flower bed (at Emily's). And I can't believe that Ella has learned to ride a two-wheeler already (without training wheels) and this she learned to do with casts on her feet.
Have a great week everyone!
Happy Birthday to your father, and Happy (belated) Mothers Day to you!!! Hope to see you soon.
He really "made it" for his 90th birthday. That picture is precious.
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