Thursday, September 06, 2007

I'm Getting a Stiff Neck Already

--from working on the computer. I have started my class online--"Assessment of the Special Learner". I think it will be a lot like blogging (only I'll have to be a lot more knowledgeable, and sound intelligent as I do it.) We have a discussion group and have to bring up new topics and reply to others' topics numerous times throughout the course and get graded on our "discussions". And we have to take several "comps" along the way. We'll have to answer a theoretical question to show we "get it". The professor has cautioned us not to hit the enter key or the tab key as we write our comp or it will be sent prematurely and then it's "Too Bad, So Sad". So now I will be living in fear of what my pinkies are up to as I'm trying to think and create and type at the same time.
I think the discussion group will be interesting. There is a variety of ages, locations, and backgrounds of the participants. We have two so far that live in the Middle East, one in Chicago, one in Missouri, one in Traverse City, young ones planning weddings, people that talk about their children and quite a few that talk about their dogs. (In the beginning the professor introduced herself as being the lover of her two precious dogs--I hope I won't lose credit for not having one.) So far it appears that I'm the oldest. There is one that is 51, but I've got her beat.
Please pray for me--that I will be able to keep up with the rigors of this class, my job and my life in general; that I will learn a lot; and that I will enjoy it.


At 4:15 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Remember I have lots of friends in Special Ed if you need a question answered.

At 10:29 PM, Blogger Mrs. Patterson said...

Absolutely, enjoy it.

At 11:35 PM, Blogger Melissa R. Forgacs said...

You are definitely in my thoughts:) Keep us updated as things progress.


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