Let Advent Begin!
Last year's tree--

My class is finished! My final project is submitted! Now, I can think about Advent and the upcoming Christmas season. Yayyyyy!
It will begin today by making a pot of soup, attending the Christmas parade in Saline and Kaleigh's early birthday party. Tom is finishing up the Christ Our King float which will be in the parade. I will try to post pictures after the event. The last couple of years this was a very long parade. We found out that our float is third to last. I guess I'll have to get out my nice warm puffy coat.
Yet to do: Christmas cards (I haven't even bought them.), decorate (I can't rush these things.), work on some Christmas present projects (shhh! It's a secret!)and keep on reflecting on "the reason for the season."
Hooray. Now you have an entire month off before the next class.
Word Verification "lzups" They don't have time to be lazy during this season.
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