Daredevils in my camera!
I haven't blogged in a while. These pictures were in my camera-- The Woehlke girls were over on Thursday night. Ella and Lucy were into daredevil climbing. Lucy was also into daredevil driving. Emily was keeping watch under the tree when we heard the "motor" running. There was Lucy STANDING on it (on the throttle) and headed for the grill. Emily's sprinting talents came to the rescue! Sophie played it safe with bike riding and motor driving!

Our weekend activities: rebuilding the sandbox, praise team practice, yardwork, a party for a soldier from our church back from Iraq, church, Sunday School Picnic, and Memorial Day Service at Macon Cemetery. (Tom was asked to give the address). Unfortunately we had to miss Kathleen McCormick's confirmation party.
Have a good week everyone! We miss some of you bloggers!
Tom's message was wonderful. I am so lucky to have such a great big brother!
So that's where you were. We missed you.
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