Amazing God-incidence!

An awesome story of God at work: The second grade at Ann Arbor Christian had a balloon ascension. On each balloon they attached a Bible passage and the name, phone no. and email address of the school. They got about 7 or 8 emails in response - from Ohio, Pennsylvania, and the farthest away, Maryland. The one from Maryland was unbelievable.
A man who does electrical work was working on the roof of a hotel. He related that a few years ago he and his 2 year old son were both shot in the head by a violent criminal. He was in a coma for 30 days. His son died. Last summer his brother (who was also his best friend and business partner) died of pancreatic cancer at the age of 30. He had been mad at God ever since all of these things happened and has not been to church. He said that as he was working on the rooftop he was "talking" to his brother as he often does while he's working because they used to do the work together. He felt something and the balloon landed right behind him. It had the words from John 3:16. He feels it was a message from God at just the right time and expressed his intention to go back to church that Sunday.
The 2nd grade teacher sent copies of the emails she received home with her students. One of the parents is a dad whose wife died suddenly this past February leaving him to raise a 2nd and a 3rd grade girl alone. He felt moved to email the man from Maryland. The dad was able to share his faith with the Maryland man and pray for him even though he himself is in the "anger" stage of grieving. Maryland man again emailed that he had gone to church on Sunday for the first time in years and that He sees God working through that balloon. He expressed his gratefulness for the gift of the balloon and the caring people at Ann Arbor Christian. I don't think the relationship is going to end with those few emails. God is amazing and good!
WOW, that is really awesome!! What an unbelievable story! =)
Wow! You should send that to Good Morning America or something! Amazing!!
I can just picture that balloon drifting gently to his shoulder. God is good all the time.
I copied this and sent it in an email to a bunch of people on my address book, hope you don't mind... it was too good not to pass along. (I didn't mention the name of your blog though)
An added "God-incidence" that I pointed out to the teacher that came to light after the second email. The 2 year old little boy who was shot would have been in second grade now - the same age as the children who sent up the balloons.
That is such a beautiful story!!
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