A Breath of Fresh Air?

Ever since we had our "well" issues a couple of years ago and had to dig up the ground near our family room, I've noticed a different kind of odor down there(especially on cloudy days). So yesterday I had an air quality testing guy come out. We have never had a radon test (even though I know that's odorless) and I was a little concerned that we might have a mold issue. The good news is that so far the radon meter has displayed very low levels of radon. The mold results have to be determined at a lab, but the man noticed something in the air that makes him suspicious, also, even though there is no visible mold. So by Friday we should know whether or not we may have to redo some drywall and have a mold clean-up in our family room. I had visions of our house being condemned or being labeled "worthless", but he reassured me that that's virtually impossible given the condition of our house.
Yikes, sounds expensive. I'll say a prayer that it's nothing serious!
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