Majoy Mayhem!

Last evening Emily and the girls stopped by so that I could trim Emily's hair for her. We decided to do it outside. While we were standing in the driveway trimming hair the girls were playing in the yard- climbing the tree and stepping on the rocks around the flowerbed. Suddenly we heard screams--we looked over and there was Sophie with bees swarming all around her--she had stepped into a ground nest that we didn't know was there. We got her out of there quickly, but in the meantime the angry bees followed us--all of us screaming, jumping around, shooing them away. Some even followed us in the house. We were trying to get the girls' clothes off as quickly as possible in case any got under them. Sophie ended up with about 6 or 7 stings (miraculous it wasn't more), Lucy had about four or five, Emily had four, Ella- two, and I had four! It was quite traumatic, but after the initial stinging and screaming, the girls seemed fine and were even fascinated to watch the swarm out the window. Bob came and pulled out the stingers, (He saved the day again with tweezers). Out came the baking soda, the bee spray, and the benedryl. This morning my hand is pretty swollen. I'm hoping it won't affect my guitar playing for praise team this morning. I'm praying the girls are okay this morning, too.
They're doing fine. We'll see how they do when they see another bee:)
OOPS! That's major--not majoy!
Wow that sounds frightening
I was wondering if Majoy was a species of bee or something.
Heidi--yes--BEE a better typer!
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