Can you see or hear me?

Some days I feel somewhat invisible. Yesterday, at one of my schools during lunch the teachers were making up a rendition of "Twelve Days of Christmas" for the principal. We have a staff party tomorrow after school and they thought of singing it to him as they presented him with a gift. I offered a few suggestions (very good ones, I might add) and it was as if I wasn't in the room. No one acknowledged me saying it or even gave any indication that they heard me. That seems to happen to me quite often. Am I paranoid? Or is my voice "invisible"?
Your mama says "Speak up" - you most always speak softly - not a "big mouth" like me! - or maybe there is some envy involved. Don't let it get you down.
Your voice is a pleasant melody backed by intelligence. On the first day of Christmas our resource teacher gave to us . . . 1 dose of common courtesy. On the second day of Christmas our resource teacher gave to us . . . 2 dozen hearing aids and a dose of common coutesy.
I think people talk so much not so that other people can hear them but that they can hear themselves.
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