Someone Please E-xplain....

I used my good china for Thanksgiving and I wished I had another serving dish. So I decided to go on Ebay and see if I could find one. Lo, and behold, I did! It had a low starting bid and so I went through all the rigamarole of registering on ebay and signed up for Paypal, etc. and I placed a bid and even upped it with a maximum bid, just in case. No one else was bidding! Wow, it looked like I would get it. Then, at the last minute, I lost the bid. Oh, well! Just a little while later the same dish appeared from the same seller! Can a seller bid on his own stuff if he doesn't like the bids he's getting? Then why doesn't he/she raise the starting bid? The second time the dish appeared it had the same starting bid. I don't get it. Someone please E-xplain!
They either had two or the buyer backed out of the deal and they re-listed it.
I second that. The seller can bid on their own item under a different alias if they're dishonest (you pay listing fees based on your starting bid amount, so they pay more for upping the starting bid). After the auction ends, you can see who bid against you. If they have a high number of feedbacks, it's a good sign your seller isn't playing games. If it's 0 or 1, there's a good chance it's an alias and you shouldn't trust the seller.
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