I'm Still Here

No, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth! I'm still here. I've really been bad about taking pictures, and about thinking about anything worthwhile to blog about. Let's see....what have I been doing? School stuff, college class stuff, choir stuff, some time with grandchildren stuff, and that's pretty much it.
Friday night my mom, Heidi, Emily, and all of my granchildren except Lucy went to see the Saline High School production of "Beauty and the Beast". Sandra, from our church, was Belle--what a beautiful voice! The kids, for the most part seemed to enjoy it--particularly Avery and Sophie. Ella fell asleep. Saturday, I spent the day working ahead in my on-line class and watching the snow come down. Sunday, Mary invited us over to celebrate Opa's 84th birthday. Great food and a good time--Thanks, Mary! Yesterday and today I stayed home from school. One school is on winter break, and the other offered to let me stay home a couple of days when they announced my lay-off for next year. I didn't take them up on it at the time, but decided to now. I've been working on some tax stuff and generally wasting time.
Well, that's about it for my exciting life here on this earth right now. Have a great day everyone!
It's good to know you haven't dropped off the edge of the earth.
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