A Reason for the Morning Off?

My Saturn is in the shop with power steering problems and so I've been driving the Impala. This morning the Impala has a flat tire. I haven't changed a flat tire since I was in driver's training in high school, and Tom's bum leg makes it difficult for him. So I guess I'll take the morning off. But I do have to find some way to get to my afternoon school because I have an important meeting and I have to test a student. Cars! Grrr!
I didn't take the morning off after all, but borrowed Bob's pick-up to get here.
And about the tire?
Presently at Gerry's Tire being fixed, rotated, and whatever else they do to tires. I now have my Saturn back and am able to steer with much less effort. Word verification "darnd" - darned cars!
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