
Epiphany - the last day for my leaning Christmas tree. I've enjoyed it this year. If it weren't losing its needles I'd be tempted to keep it up longer.
Epiphany - the 41st anniversary of our first date - Wednesday night chapel at Concordia in Ann Arbor in 1969.
Epiphany - the 25th anniversary of Tom's ordination into the pastoral ministry at St. John's, Waltz in 1985. If I'd thought of it earlier, I'd have scanned a picture---but then you'd see how much we've aged!
Happy Epiphany! Wise men still seek Him!
Thanks for reminding me of the specialness of Epiphany. I took an extra long look at our tree this morning before leaving for work. It looks beautiful without ornaments, just lights. Yesterday Mark and I could not figure out how an ornament got back on an empty ornamented tree. It was an angel.
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