Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Imagination in Action!

Yesterday my grandchildren were over. It was too hot to be outside so we stayed inside. We decided to read some books--but instead, Ella's imagination jumped into action. She wanted to be the storyteller. She went into a 10 minute story that had Quinn, Avery and I mesmerized. It included a treasure hunt, a Quinn eating monster and a happy ending. Her gestures and facial expression made it all the more interesting. We went from that to acting out stories about the upside down King Quinn and princesses Avery and Ella. We built a fort in the family room. We acted out a tractor story in the tractor room about a daddy truck and his tractor children going off to school. For supper we had "bird's nests"-- spaghetti and cheese "nest" filled with hot dog "eggs" and pea "leaves". It finally cooled off enough to go outside and get sprayed with the hose. Quinn made it rain and loved making rainbows. Avery reported later that she got sprinkled. However, I don't think she actually got a drop of water on her. She kept her distance. Quinn played deliver service with the two wagons hooked together. He must have made 30 trips pulling two wagons across the driveway up the puddle filled sidewalk and back to the carport delivering such cargo as Avery and Kaleigh, golf clubs, and many other imaginary loads. Each delivery had him touting the wonderful special wheels on the second wagon that could go through water. It was a fun day!


At 10:45 AM, Blogger Mrs. Patterson said...

Did Sophie sleep through it all? It sounds like a marevelous day.My grandson took a trip to Columbus with his parents and cancelled my scheduled play time.


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