New Toy for Emily and Rescue Zone

At the risk of scaring the world, here is a picture that Emily took with her new toy. For her birthday Bob bought her a new Mac laptop that has a camera on it. It has this weird ability to change pictures in all kinds of ways. Ella and Sophie were thoroughly entertained by this gizmo! As far as I can tell that would be the only virtue of this feature on the computer. It was a hoot listening to them laugh!
In other news, VBS is in full swing. We've had a good turn out and lots of fun! I'm leading the music again this year-- and the hit of the week is "Pharoah, Pharoah" to the tune of "Louie, Louie". The theme this year is "Rescue Zone". We've had visits from rescue workers and as usual the two gals that are running the show this year have done a fabulous job! Of course our ultimate Rescue Hero is Jesus!
I raised my rod and stuck it in the sand...and all God's people walked upon dry land... I LOVE THAT SONG!! :) Glad everyone is laughing and having fun; that's what summer's for!
That's scarier than anytime you ever yelled at me. You look like one of those jungle creatures with the big eyes.
Oh, so that's you. Coincidentally, Kristie and I were just talking to day about my getting a web cam. Is that a web cam?
VBS Very Busy Schedule. I'll always remember the schedule you designed for our VBS.
I guess so, Joyce. It's a camera on the laptop--that's all I know. Andy, I don't remember ever yelling at you--you were such a perfect child!
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