Think Positively

The Bible teaches us to give thanks in all circumstances. So I'm trying very hard to thank God for the mosquitoes. I need all of you to help me think of the positive things about these creatures. I looked for the prettiest picture that I could find of one. So here are some reasons to be thankful for the mosquitoes. Feel free to add to my list because I'm sure mine won't be too long:
1. They keep me inside working on my homework.
2. They provide me with a laugh when I see the get-up Tom wears to go outside and mow the lawn.
3. They give me an excuse for not dealing with the myriad of tomatoes out in the garden.
4. They make cute little red bumps on my grandchildren.
5. Are they helping our economy? The sale of bugspray? Or is it manufactured in China?
6. They were wonderfully absent for most of the summer.
7. They provide me with exercise as I wildly move my arms and legs on my way out to my car.
8. They provide dinner for the spiders that have made their webs over my pond. (Sorry Christie!)
That's the best that I can do! Okay, God, I've praised you for them. Can you take them away now?
I'm guessing that Andrew told you about the Spider spray that I bought and that he used the whole can on the front porch? I'm terrified of those things...especially the ones on the front porch, they are HUGE!!! I am however, thankful they eat other bugs. What do I need to get to eat the spiders? :)
I can't really add anything good about mosquitos as they are vectors for disease...funny that you blogged about this as I just scheduled a presenter for November when we'll be studying this topic in my life science class!
I'm with Melissa, I can't think of any positives (at least none that you haven't already mentioned) They could carry you away for a reasonable rate I'm sure.
Melissa, they can't have mosquitoes in dry Palm Springs, can they?
My only mosquito positive is that they aren't visitors in my neighborhood. Loved the mental image of #7!! :)
Hi - Keep forgetting to tell you - I stopped to get a few tomatoes when we went to renew our licenses, and as we opened our car doors we were viciously attacked by those creatures. FORGET THE TOMATOES!!!! - Blew mosquitoes out the windows for most of the way home. My heart goes out to you.
The swatting of mosquitos could help us emphathize with people who have tics!
They are the subject of a very good children's book. Something about mosquitoes buzzing in your ear. I think I might try to find it. Kathie gave it to may kids when they were small.
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