Hope Springs Eternal!

Today it's back to both schools and my new class starting up! This is the day the Lord has made--I will rejoyce!
My class: "Characteristics of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders of Children and Youth" So far the first chapter basically tells you that no one can or has adequately defined the above, and the second chapter that there is a prevalence of children in this category who have not been identified or serviced for many reasons, not the least of which is not enough money! Surprise, surprise! Not much hope there.
Watched the debates Saturday. Lots of troubling questions about our society and world. Not much hope there.
Tom and I watched a documentary last night about the decline of family farms (especially the apple orchards in Washington state)-due to foreclosures, foreign competition, etc. Interesting, sad--some hope, but not much there.
But, God is in control! Lots of hope there! I will rejoyce and be glad in that!
As I read this over--it sure sounds like a Monday morning blog :{.
What an interesting class - oh if only common sense could prevail and you did not have to pay for what is suppose to fix everything. I have to meet with my principal tommorow because I apparently offended a parent who I called to come in for a meeting. Her child has all E's and is failing. Mind you we have a computer grading system that can be checked at home and a homework hotline that can be accessed daily which I brough to the parents attention. Now I am the bad guy because what I let them now before report cards he has all E's and want to get together with the child, them, and the teachers to discuss the problem? I want to be a educator - why?
In response to Mary's comment. I had an eighth grade boy, blurt out very impolitely. "Why did you fail me?" As if he had nothing to do with the six missing assignments. He was so rude, yet I know that acorns don't fall far from trees. He was probably instructed to handle it just the way he did. We have the same system at our school. All the info is there every day. Oh and Pam; that picture is very hopeful.
Mary and Joyce- Yeeesh! And it was only Monday! I got an email from my new professor saying that the website with syllabus would be sent tonight. It's about my bedtime and I still haven't gotten it!
I walked away this morning with support from the principal - which given several situations is a plus. I recalled the mom, held my ground on a meeting next week. I then proceeded to dig out his desk, binder and locker to send home to his mom so she could help him find all his missing assignments. I have a headache!
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