Monday, September 22, 2008

Will They Revoke My License?

My "Grammy license" that is! After the bee incident on Saturday, we had another mishap on Sunday--this one a result of my stupidity! Heidi called and asked if I could teach Quinn how to make applesauce. He was supposed to bring a recipe for something with a apples to present to his class this week. Okay, sure!

We talked through all the steps. He wrote down his recipe and we followed his directions. Mistake: Step three should have been - Have an adult peel the apples. Instead I let him try-- and a sliced thumb and fingernail, lots of blood, and lots of tears later, I learned my lesson! After a run to the store for antiseptic spray and bandaids, lots of pressure on the thumb to stop the bleeding, and some fine first aid by Scott, all was well. We continued with the recipe and had the finest applesauce ever!

I think I've just lost my eligibility for the "Grandmother of the Year".


At 3:19 PM, Blogger Heidi said...

Nahh... he'll turn out fine, and definitely be wary of peelers and knives from now on, that's not all bad.

At 7:14 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Oh Pam - you have had a rough weekend

At 11:53 PM, Blogger Mrs. Patterson said...

Obviously I cannot expect the comment to get through on my phone. GRRR. I said that I will nominate you. I think you are the sharpest and most beeautiful grammy. Then I quoted an old baseball manager who commented on a player that went 200 straight games without an error. If he's not making an mistakes, he must not be going after the hard ones.
Typing all this on my phone's keypad should get me nominated for something. Like . . Sucker of the year.

At 10:12 AM, Blogger Christie said...

Kids get hurt all the time, its a part of growing up. I told Andrew I have never been stung by a bee, he was shocked and replied with, "you never played in the woods?"


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