Miss Woehlke! Miss Woehlke!

One great thing about living in our country is that you can be want you want to be (if you can find a job, that is). For her birthday, Ella decided she wanted "teacher stuff", so I resurrected an old chalkboard (preserved from when I was a child), and made a trip to the teacher store for maps, supplies, etc. and last night we played school. Ella turned out to be a fine teacher. After Custodian Bob installed the blackboard, she read to her students (Emily, Sophie, Lucy, and me), had a geography lesson about Michigan, made assignments and led us to "specials". She displayed classroom management skills, even while one of her students was rather distractable and distracting--Lucy was in constant motion all the while calling, "Miss Woehlke, Miss Woehlke". But in spite of this distraction, Sophie learned where Michigan is and could identify it both on the US map and the world map. Good job, Miss Woehlke, Miss Woehlke!
Hooray for good teachers. She must pay close attention in school. I can't believe you kept that ancient chalkboard. That is an extra special gift. I'll bet you found some bargains at the teacher store in July.
She's been loving the gift. She woke me up at 6:30 Saturday morning to play.
Great gifts...
Happy Birthday Ella!
Yeah - for Ella. She would be a 4th generation teacher. 5 if Miss Emily was one.
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