Use your ingenuity!
When I was in 9th and 11th grade Algebra I and Algebra II, I had a old teacher that loved to say "Use your ingenuity!" when stuck on a problem. Now, I'm the old teacher and I sure had to use my ingenuity today! One of my students came with her math homework for some help. Coordinates on a plane, functions, slopes, y-intercepts, etc. I haven't used that kind of ingenuity in 40 years! I'm afraid my ingenuity failed me since I had 0 minutes to prepare for the challenge and only 20 minutes to help her. Poor girl! I think she went away more confused. Some days are like that. Now I'll have to go home and do my homework, use my ingenuity, and maybe tomorrow will be a better day!
Don't feel bad. I could have done that type of problem 10 minutes ago and not remember what we're talking about. :)
You just can't spring math on me, I need quiet alone time to figure it out.
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