Friday, May 19, 2006

Water, Water, Everywhere ...

Still not a drop to least from our well. GOOD NEWS: The well is fine, lots of water in it yet, the pipes in it were definitely in need of replacing, we now have the right kind of pump to be up to code, the beautiful balcony built by Ron did not collapse, and most of the mud mountain is gone. Praise the Lord! The BAD NEWS: There still must be a leak somewhere and we surmise it's in the pipes deep under the house, so we still don't have our own water. (Still need your help, Lord!)The GOOD NEWS: Our repairman, another Tom, thinks it can be fixed without too much problem (we don't have to dig under our house). He's going to bypass those pipes and put some different ones coming in to the house. He's coming again this morning. Hopefully we'll have water by the end of the day (besides the rain!).

I'll be very happy when I have something to think and blog about besides our water concerns and the rain!


At 2:28 PM, Blogger Mrs. Patterson said...

Last night, for the first time, I described your plumbing problems to Mark. Like a man, he started thinking of a solution. He said he and his Dad once had the same problem when they lived on Sibley Rd.

At 8:37 AM, Blogger Pam said...

Think no more, Mark! $3800 later, all is well except the cleanup of our yard between the house and the deck.

At 8:53 AM, Blogger andrew! said...

How high's the water, mama?




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