Saturday, May 13, 2006

Well Update

The wettest, coldest, yuckiest day of spring so far was spent with Tom and a kind neighbor with a bobcat building a mud mountain in our backyard. After uncovering the entire pipe, no leak was found, so the leak must be in the pipe in the well itself. A well-driller who didn't seem too interested in our business came out to work up an estimate for a new well. Then Tom called another guy that he knew from high school who thinks he can put a new pump in the existing well without having to drill a new one. He says there are no promises. We decided to give it a try. He will put in the new pump when he gets the parts he needs--either Monday or Wednesday. In the meantime we are leaving our water pump off as much as possible, limiting water use in our house. So here I go-- into my hot tub to went down my morning "bedhead" before I go off to church for Praise Team practice. I'm thankful to Emily and Bob who are letting me fix the Mother's Day-Grandpa's Birthday Dinner at their house tomorrow.


At 9:46 PM, Blogger andrew! said...

"Jesus Met the Woman at the Well"-great song...hope all gets better. I think I could live without electricity fairly easily, but no water? that's tough. you'll figure it out...


At 6:41 PM, Blogger Mrs. Patterson said...

Come move in with us for awhile. We've got all kinds of beds and more water than we can use.

At 11:42 AM, Blogger Pam said...

Sounds like fun! But, our other kind neighbor, Eddie, connected a hose from his house to our water system, so we are okay for basic necessities. Hopefully, by Wednesday we'll be all fixed up!


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