Saturday, April 29, 2006

"Live for the Lord"

Tom and I have been doing a morning devotion using a book written by Billy Graham. This morning's devotion must have been written with Merle in mind. It was entitled "Live for the Lord". Billy talks about how fast time flies using the illustration of a weaver's shuttle. Job says that his days are "swifter than a weaver's shuttle". Billy says, "Quick, quick, quick! We have only a few brief years at the most. Let's live them for the Lord!"

I'd like to expand on Billy's metaphor. As the weaver's shuttle weaves its tapestry we can see its beauty. The tapestry of Merle's 90 years shows us a beautiful pattern of love, faith, joy, perseverance in trials, patience, kindness, goodness. Merle's life lived in the Lord has been a witness and a blessing for all of us who know him!

As I read over my desciptors of Merle, I realize that those are the fruits of the Spirit. God's spirit does indeed show itself in Merle! Happy Birthday! We love you!


At 8:44 PM, Blogger Mrs. Patterson said...

Thanks for being there and for writing so eloquently. I'm thinking you should publish devotional books like Graham and Lucado. Did you take home cake?

At 9:35 PM, Blogger Pam said...

Thanks, but I have a hard enough time keeping up with my blogs! Nope, didn't take any cake--it was delicious, but I ate more than I should have at the party.


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