Thursday, August 31, 2006

Blogging Block!

I've tried a couple of times in the last few days to blog with no success. My computer or the server wouldn't cooperate. Here's another attempt.

My intention on Monday was to blog about "Plow Day" that Tom and Quinn went to at the Lindemann's farm and to post pictures. They had a great time!

Tuesday, I wanted to blog about my beautiful 32 year old daughter! We had a great time sharing dinner at Mac's and returning to their house for soupy hot fudge sundaes.

My other intention on Tuesday was to blog about a staff retreat that I went to at Howell Nature Center. We were asked to challenge ourselves to go on a high ropes course that involved a lot of "high wire" type acts and climbing. I, however, challenged myself not to. My shoulder is finally feeling better and it wasn't worth the risk to re-injure it! The rest of the staff affirmed me like they were supposed to do and I affirmed them as they climbed and balanced.

I wanted to blog yesterday about my beautiful 2 year old birthday girl! I did get to stop there yesterday to give her some birthday hugs and loves! The Woehlke family then spent the evening walking the mall hoping to get things started. Again, my computer wouldn't cooperate and neither did Woehlke baby #3.

I was hoping to blog by now about the new Woehlke baby, but not yet! God's timing is perfect! At least now, she'll have her own birthday and won't have to share with her sister.

Today, I'm trying very hard to pull my brain together to get things organized for the start of school next week, to be ready for some meetings tomorrow with some parents (barring a hospital trip), and to figure out the new paperwork that comes with our new LSEM handbook. (This blog is my procrastination technique!)

There! I hope I caught up on my week! Blessings to you all!


At 12:04 PM, Blogger Pam said...

Yay, it worked!

At 9:04 PM, Blogger Melissa R. Forgacs said...

I always have problems with my blogs and internet too...don't cha hate that! Anyway, it sounds like you have been busy. The sundaes sounded delicious, I miss that sauce you make. Please be sure to keep me updated on the next Woehlke baby, I am anxiously waiting!!

At 6:07 AM, Blogger Mrs. Patterson said...

Technology is only fun when it works, otherwise it turns to frustration. My whole morning was sabatoged by technology. Should I find a jeep and take Emily for a ride?


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