If only this were the only kind of mouse that inhabited my house. Unfortunately there's the other kind. I was going to post a picture of the invading kind, but it made me squeamish to just look at one. Sunday night when I reached in my bread drawer for something, I discovered someone had been gnawing on a loaf of bread! Yeeeek! Mouse traps have been evaded in favor of my silverware drawer and bread drawer again even though the bread is gone! In the meantime I've been avoiding the kitchen. When we need silverware, I've taken from my plastic supply. Yesterday on my day off I should have cleaned out those two places and sanitized all the silverware, but until the offender has been caught, I have no desire to open the drawers for fear the creepy crawly thing will jump out at me. This is the first time in 8 years that we've had a mouse in our house, and I don't like it one bit!!
We had them in the attic, and now that I have a pest control contract, I just call my pest control technician and they come out when they get around to it. This time I called Saturday morning and they came out Tuesday afternoon, they could have ate a whole loaf of bread by then. For you, nice excuse to eat out. How about tomorrow? Are you free?
'Fraid not! We are going to see Matt in a play--the name of which escapes me--what about Saturday??
Saturday we're going downtown for breakfast and an exhibit at the Historical Museum in the am. No plans after that, but Tom doesn't usually go for Saturday night, right.. . . Wait a sec, I'm going to call you.
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