Get Out the Boats!

I don't mind driving in the dark (usually), but dark and rain combined on an early morning commute--not so much! And our road is starting to get pretty muddy. It was a few years ago that conditions were just right that Tom ended up using his tractor about 8 times to help people who got stuck in the mud in front of our house. AND we had to park at the corner and walk home. I'm hoping we don't have a repeat of that!

Ron, is Georgia still in need of rain? Can we send it that way with you?
I hate driving when its dark and rainy too, but hopefully you guys dont have any muddy problems and it drys up soon!
You have quite an art project coming on. The shot with the snowflakes in front of the lens, the rain on the window. I like where this is going!
Amanda, I can take credit for the snowflakes in my front yard, but not the two pictures in today's blog. I googled those!
I was just about to make the same comment as Amanda. Maxwell Road, the dirt road east of our house, was a total mess yesterday. Cars were stuck all over the place. I sure enjoyced the warm weather while it was here.
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