Moments of Inspiration!

A few weeks ago, on our way home from Three Rivers at 6:00 am on a Sunday morning, a Christmas melody and words came to my mind for our children's Christmas program this year. It was truly inspired, so using the map light, I wrote it down on the back of Suzy's wedding invitation. Later in my zeal to get organized, I threw out the invitation (on garbage day, no less)! Oops! It has taken 3 weeks to retrieve the song out of the recesses of my brain, but I did it! Yesterday afternoon I had two verses recalled and Heidi called and asked to come over with the kids. In the 25 minutes before they came, I had figured out the 3rd verse and written another complete song for the pre-schoolers. Why is it that my brain can be so lacking at most moments and then have brain bursts in others?
My brain lacks bursts. I've done three really stupid things in two days, but I keep on trying and praying. (the word verficiation says uknedekg . . translation . . You need ekg.)
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