The Weekend was Busy!
We left at 3:00 Friday afternoon to head to the Three Rivers area for the wedding of Suzy and Dan. Two rehearsals - one for good weather -- one for not so nice. A fun delicious rehearsal dinner at the Fisher Inn--lots of Tom and Randy jokes passed around the table. We spend 2 nights at a B & B - the Mendon Country Inn. It could have lots of charm but sadly, some neglect, some not so comfortable beds, a less than gracious host, and less than ample food, spoil the ambiance.
Then, with Mark, Joyce, and Jan, a shopping trip to Three Rivers, and a barbecue lunch at the Brewster BBQ place.
The wedding spot was beautiful and all set for the event until 15 minutes before the wedding was to begin, the sky opened up and all scrambled for the pavilion - the alternate sight. After the sun came back out, and after some debate as to whether the weather would cooperate, the ceremony was held in the pavilion which was also very nice. Lots of people had lots of fun at the reception and the food was much better than we would have probably gotten at the B & B.
We got up at 5:00 am and headed home to make it in time for church - our new part-time associate pastor was installed. A celebration breakfast at church between services, and another dinner with Pastor Dean and a few other guests at Webers. Way to much food this weekend.
By the time I got home, I was too sleepy to do much of anything and spent the afternoon disappointed by the Tigers and the Lions.
Finally, I watched two hours of a special "Extreme Makeover" which happened to be about a family who goes to a Lutheran School in Richmond (one of our LSEM teachers was interviewed on the special Detroit version of the show). I cried through most of the two hours of show and then went to bed.
I thought this was published early this morning--but it still didn't show up, so I'm trying again.
Sounds like a whirlwind weekend; Heidi must get it from you! :) That's too bad about the B&B. At least if you were left hungry there the reception provided something more filling. Cake always does it for me!
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