Wednesday, June 21, 2006

29 Years Ago

Where did the 29 years go? The day before (a Sunday) was spent at Nellie and Fred's cottage at Joslin lake. Then to Oma and Opa's to drop off Heidi and then to the "new" St. Joe for check-in. At 9:11 the next morning Emily came into the world. It was a planned C-section, so we knew her birthdate, but we were surprised that she was a girl. Beforehand the nurses all said--oh, it's a boy--something about her heart rate. They were wrong. She had lots of dark hair and every time she went to the nursery, you could tell that the nurses were having a good time playing baby beauty shop. They would have it combed up like a cupie doll. I'd comb it down and next time it would be back like a cupie doll again. Joyce came to visit and brought daisies from her garden in a beautiful glass pitcher. Years later that pitcher got broke and Mark bought me a new one. The daisies have popped out in my yard--right on time -- offspring of the very daisies that Joyce brought 29 years ago! Happy Birthday, Em! I, too, like Joyce wonder if Woehlke little girl #3 will have Em's dark hair. Thanks for posting the pictures Joyce!


At 11:41 PM, Blogger Mrs. Patterson said...

Your welcome, and I remember the pitcher Mark bought as a replacement.


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