Monday, June 19, 2006

Aloha! From VBS!

Welcome to our island adventure -- where we find God's greatest treasure -- His love!
I'm blogging this morning between music sets for VBS! This year's VBS is a family affair! Tom leading opening, me leading singing, Emily teaching 17 3 and 4 year olds! (Whew!) and Heidi helping, 3 grandchildren in that class and 2 in the nursery! Our two VBS directors have done a wonderful job setting up this "Island Adventure" and the props and crafts are amazing! Thank God for air conditioning-- I remember many a VBS involving lots of sweat!

Pray for lots of kids learning of "God's Greatest Treasure - Jesus"!


At 10:33 AM, Blogger Mrs. Patterson said...

VBS. Such memories, such fun, such a relief when it's over.


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