Friday, June 23, 2006

VBS Finale, Sod, and Grand Haven

Three things to look forward to today!

Last day of VBS! It's been fun and rather easy on my part--no longer a traveling musician of yesteryear, but I just do music at the opening and closing. Kids loved the music and it's been a fun week!

We're getting a pallet of sod today to finish the clean up of our well mess! I'm for instant gratification and didn't want to wait for the grass to grow to get rid of the mud!

Joyce and I are taking a trip to Grand Haven tomorrow--to see Andy and to get some paint for Merle's house. I always love the adventures that Joyce and I have and the bonus is that I get to see Andy!

It has been a fun and gratifying week! VBS, Prayer Group revisited at Patterson's, fun times with grandkids and kids and parents, got the mums hoed and rototilled (although with all the rain they'll probably need it again soon), finally got our pool water clean and clear, and finally got caught up on laundry!

Blessings on your weekend, everyone!


At 6:47 AM, Blogger Mrs. Patterson said...

I agree, it feels like summer vacation is off to a great start. See you in forty-five minutes.


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