Here I Am Finally
Monday, May 03, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Watch Out!

Last night I had a confrontation with a "black icy" driveway. Thankfully, no one saw it happen, but it took me about five minutes to realize I was okay, gather my purse, my books, and my dignity and get back up. The only casualties are a bruised self-image of my gracefulness, a slightly stiff neck, and the first skinned knee I've had in forty-some years. Sorry, Sam Bernstein. You won't be getting a call from me.
P.S. I just read in Ron's blog comments that Joyce had the same fate be"fall" her! I hope you're okay, Joyce.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Epiphany - the last day for my leaning Christmas tree. I've enjoyed it this year. If it weren't losing its needles I'd be tempted to keep it up longer.
Epiphany - the 41st anniversary of our first date - Wednesday night chapel at Concordia in Ann Arbor in 1969.
Epiphany - the 25th anniversary of Tom's ordination into the pastoral ministry at St. John's, Waltz in 1985. If I'd thought of it earlier, I'd have scanned a picture---but then you'd see how much we've aged!
Happy Epiphany! Wise men still seek Him!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
My mom's surgery was postponed. After waiting for 2 1/2 hours the doctor called her room and said they had a longer previous surgery and something about the anesthetic, so her surgery is now scheduled for December 29th--6:00AM.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Here I Am Again, Finally!!

The title of my blogspot is quite appropriate. No excuses--I'm not sure why I haven't blogged in 3 months--maybe my online class sapped all my creative juices. Let's see... 3 months in a nutshell. The grandkids are growing, my class was hard, but now finished, Christmas program went very well, my stove broke on Thanksgiving and I'll finally be able to cook again after today, my job is still fun and challenging even though I'm only working 1/2 days, my Christmas shopping is completed, house is decorated, and today Kaleigh is FIVE!! Now I know why I haven't blogged in 3 months--the time went by much faster than I realized and got away from me!