Thursday, November 27, 2008

Filled to Overflowing!

It's still dark this Thanksgiving morning! My turkey is in the oven and it's starting to smell good! I sat down to blog my thank"full"ness this morning. I looked over lots of pictures, tried to come up with an ABC list of things I'm thankful for, and then remembered an incident last night that made me "overflow" with joy and gratitude. Church was almost over. I was sitting in the back because the choir had sung, I could see Tom up in the front, my mom was there, too. Emily's family was about 6 rows in front of me and Heidi's family was across the aisle and a few rows up. We were saying the Lord's Prayer and (forgive me Lord) my mind wandered away from the prayer. I could see Quinn and Avery standing with their hands folded (I couldn't see Kaleigh or Ella or Sophie), but then I heard this little voice. It was Lucy! She was in her mother's arms with her hands folded and in a bold voice saying the parts of the Lord's Prayer that she knew. My thank"full"ness was overflowing for MANY things! And even though the economy is bad, and Scott is without a job, we are truly rich! We have a family that knows and loves Jesus! What else do we need?

Thanks, Lucy, for the beautiful reminder of our greatest blessing! (By the way, I think her joy was overflowing, too. On the last hymn she had her hymnal open and was singing out--making a joyful noise to the Lord.)

Monday, November 24, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

Heidi tagged me to tell 7 things you might not know about me----hmmmm! This is hard...

Here are the rules...
1. Post the rules on your blog.
2. Tell 7 random things about yourself.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post.
4. Pass on the tag.

Well, here goes...

1. I love Google maps and satellite views.
2. My sisters and I used to sing and harmonize while we did dishes.
3. My favorite movies are "Nell" and "Mr. Holland's Opus"
4. I've never gotten a traffic ticket....dare I say it?
5. I sucked my thumb until I was about 8.
6. Tom asked me to marry him on the hill overlooking U.S. 23 and Geddes Rd. (We read in the paper tonight that they may put a roundabout at that corner.)
7. I don't pass on things like these...

Thursday, November 20, 2008


I decided yesterday's blog was too "depressing". Here's a happier picture! This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Does it make you wonder?

Are we headed for another Great Depression? What will happen to the $700,000,000,000 dollars of our money? Does anyone REALLY know how to best use it? Will they bail the car companies out? And if so, will it help? Our parents and grandparents survived the Great Depression and maybe they were the better off because of it. One thing we do know, FOR SURE! Nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus! This is the day the Lord has made. Let us be glad and rejoice in it!

By the way, Google images now have many Life magazine images available for use. I bet I can waste a lot of time looking at all of them! God bless your day!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Are you tired of hearing from us, Joyce??

I tried to comment on your blog this morning, Joyce, but I got this mysterious message "Comment moderation has been enabled. All comments must be approved by the blog author." What does this mean?? How can you approve a comment that you can't see?? Where did the ominous message originate?? What can be done to solve this dilemma??

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Creature Comforts

I'm such a creature! A creature of habit, and a creature of my creature comforts! As a result of the "joys" of homeownership, I haven't spent as much time in my favorite chair. It looks something like this--

Here's what's going on at my house-- we saw and caught a mouse down in our family room -- that's the good news?!. The bad news is that another one lost its life somewhere out of sight. I won't describe the smell of an elusive dead mouse. Suffice it to say that it has kept us from wanting to spend time in the family room. Yuck! Problem #2 - Furnace problems. The good news - our house didn't burn down. The bad news -- it's cold down in the family room and will be until Monday when we'll be getting a new furnace. Consequently we've spent more time up in our delightful sun room which has its own source of heat. That wouldn't be a problem except that my body is so conformed to my family room chair that spending time in a different one has made my back, neck, and hips hurt. I'm in such a creature comfort rut!

Monday, November 03, 2008

Here I Am Finally

The title of my blogspot seems quite appropriate lately. My blogs have been fewer and farther between-- as have a lot of ours- Ahem, Ahem (chiding myself and others).
I've also been neglectful with my picture-taking lately. But here are a few that others have previously blogged about. Lucy thoroughly enjoyed her Halloween experience--between the two-timing the boys and the face-painting she had a great time!

Miller (Jenny Pruchnik Grambau's 2 year old)
Lovely frosting on top of marker.

Landon (an 18 mo. old from our church - Lucy's robbing the cradle).