Thursday, June 04, 2009

Saying Goodbye

I'm spending my last few hours at Ann Arbor Christian School where I will no longer be working after today. It's hardest to say goodbye to the students that I have worked with (some for 3-5 years). They are a sweet bunch of kids and my prayers will be with them that they will get the help and support that they need in the future. I will also miss the teachers. There are some awesome teachers at this school. God be with us all.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

A Reason for the Morning Off?

My Saturn is in the shop with power steering problems and so I've been driving the Impala. This morning the Impala has a flat tire. I haven't changed a flat tire since I was in driver's training in high school, and Tom's bum leg makes it difficult for him. So I guess I'll take the morning off. But I do have to find some way to get to my afternoon school because I have an important meeting and I have to test a student. Cars! Grrr!