Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Me Next Fall?

Well, it looks like I'll be a lady of leisure next fall. One of my schools decided that I needed to go-- for budget reasons. I don't feel so bad. They also are letting go of 2 full time teachers, a part-time athletic director, and a part-time music teacher. I feel like I worked myself out of a job. Most of my students at that school have come a long way and probably wouldn't need me anymore next year anyway. I feel very badly for the two full time teachers--one, I kind of expected, but the other was a complete shock, as I'm sure it was for her, particularly since she's been there for 7 years and is a great teacher. This is just a little bump in the grand scheme of things, and I know God has a plan for me-- even if it sitting in a rocking chair and knitting.

Stone Jaw

When I am tense my jaw tends to clench. This morning by the time I'm at school, I feel like I have a stone jaw--the ride in this morning was slow and tense with the new-fallen snow, and my school is having a big meeting this afternoon to announce staffing decisions for next year given that enrollment is down and the budget needs to be cut. I believe there's a good chance that I might not be at this school next year--but we'll see. In the meantime I have assignments to complete for my Master's class and progress reports to do for this school, and with Wednesday program and choir tonight I probably won't get home until nine o'clock tonight. Please pray for a relaxed jaw!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Happy Birthday, Bob!

Today is Bob's 33rd Birthday. Happy Birthday to a terrific son-in-law, a great dad, a blessed provider, a wonderful husband, and a cook extraordinaire! Em and Bob are so expert at hosting dinners. They work together like a well-oiled machine. I don't know if you're gone on business today, but a hope your special day goes as smoothly as the dinners that you always provide! Happy Birthday! We love you!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

On From Here

Now that the parties are over, it's on from here. My prayer is that President Obama is able to live up to the high expectations placed on him--with God's help!

To quote one of my favorite author's, "One of the most patriotic things I can do is to keep an eye on Barack Obama's doings over the next four years & look for reasons not to vote for him the next time around. The most patriotic thing that you who did not vote for him can do is to look for the positives as reasons why you might want to re-elect him in four years. Maybe we'll meet somewhere in the middle & something might get done." - Andrew Thomas Schroeder

God be with him and our country!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Poem by Caleb

As promised in my comment on yesterday's blog, here's a poem by my buddy Caleb

Snow Creations
a poem by Caleb

It’s cold outside, but I’m bundled up.
Outside there are little snowflakes
Raining snow on to the cold hard ground
White and fluffy, big piles, little piles.
Piles all around.
Heavy snow covering stairs,
Covering hills, covering rooftops
On windows and cars, sidewalks and roads
The grass is hidden by mounds of white.
That I saw with my good sight.

Icicles on the balcony
Make wonderful sculptures.

We’ll make an igloo,
Or a snowman,
Or snowballs,
Or snow angels,
Or forts.
Or snowball fights.

Time to come in
Take off my gloves
Take off my snowpants
My coat, and my boots.

Time to sit by a warm fire.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Rebel With a Cause?

My principal must be a rebel with a cause this morning. And we have school because??? Everyone else in Michigan is closed this morning because of the extreme cold--the closing list is a mile long. But not us. And this for only a half day. It's the end of the quarter and so the kids will only be here for 3 hours. I get the point--that our kids don't use the bus system--and aren't facing the dangers of waiting for the bus--but what's the point? I'm sure we'll have many rebels that don't come to school today anyway. I think it's going to be a pointless day.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Pleasant Surprise

This morning I was expecting another long commute as the news was reporting northbound 23 being completely blocked by a salt truck that hit a bridge. There is no alternative route for me--but it was just fine. The ride home last night however--not so much. Southeastern Michigan freeways basically became a parking lot. Ron, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I heard on my way in that Georgia was going to dip into the single digits. I hope they mean extreme northern Georgia and that you can go for a boat ride this evening. :)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Math Lesson in Patience

25 minute drive + more snow = 55 minute drive and a lesson in patience

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

40 years ago!

40 years ago tonight Tom and I had our first date! That can't be! 40 years!!! We went to Epiphany Chapel at Concordia in Ann Arbor. Wednesday nights were often date nights (to chapel). I wonder if that still occurs. Three and 1/2 years after that we were married in the same chapel and seven years after that Andy was baptized there along with his cousin, Ted. I'm wondering about the future of Concordia--by all reports it's not doing very well. Also on this date, Tom was ordained at St. John's - 24 years ago!! That can't be, either. Happy Epiphany, everyone!