Wednesday, May 27, 2009

What a Pain!

All the long weekend Tom was in great pain--all up and down his right leg. He could hardly walk. Of course something like that always happens on a long holiday weekend. But he went to the doctor yesterday and will go for a MRI on Friday. In the meantime he's gotten a prescription for the pain with instructions not to lift anything. The doctor suspects a bulging disc pressing on the sciatic nerve. As a result he may have some nerve damage in his foot as parts of his foot are numb. Please pray for an easy fix and restoration of health soon.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Not "Spring" Chickens

Tom and I sat down and made a list of all the spring chores that still need to be done around our house (only outside jobs). It seems quite daunting and so this weekend will be catch-up time. Whether it's the weather, the wall, or weak bodies and wills, I'm not sure, but we sure don't seem to accomplish things as fast as we used to. And poor Tom has been suffering from an achy leg. He was in quite a bit of pain when I left this morning. So he's off to the chiropractor this morning. We'll see how much of our list we can erase this weekend.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

It's Not the Great Wall of China.....But....

Tom and I have a new appreciation for the people who built it as well as the Egyptian slaves who had to hoist the stones for the pyramids.

Our new front bed:

Our new bed near the garage:

More work awaits us: