Saturday, July 26, 2008

We're Off!

We'll see some of you up north and the rest of you, blog ya' later! God be with us all!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Vacation On Top of Vacation

I don’t like that Joyce and Ron started counting the days left of summer vacation. The reality is that September is coming way too quickly. But it has been a great summer and I’m anticipating more fun. This Saturday we will leave for 13 days of vacation on top of my summer vacation! A week of reunion type fun in Interlochen –it used to be 4 adults and six children in one cottage. This time it will be 14-16 adults and 9 children (all six and under) in three cottages. The logistics of that is a bit more daunting than it used to be. Please pray that things go “swimmingly” and that a good time is had by all!

Duck Lake in Interlochen
After that week Joyce and I will jet off to Providence, RI, and Cape Cod for five days of theater, bed and breakfasting, sightseeing, and relaxing – a Joyce and Pam type adventure!

Our B&B - Ashley Manor - on Cape Cod

My plan is to enjoyce every day left of my summer vacation!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

They're Back!

I have marveled this summer about our lack of mosquitoes. It has been great!
But they're back with a vengeance! I knew it would happen because I told Heidi that she could have Avery's birthday party here on Friday night! I warned her that mosquitoes could sprout any time. They did--overnight! Yesterday morning I walked outside and was swarmed. The party venue has changed to Emily's house--they aren't as bad there. Sorry, Heidi and Avery!

In the meantime, Tom is outside with our neighbor's sprayer, trying to eradicate the darn things! My theory is that when God created mosquitoes they were more like friendly little butterflies fluttering around the garden! But when sin entered the world, they became EVIL!

Monday, July 14, 2008

"Summertime...Stanza 2 - No Images"

It was another gorgeous weekend for me where the livin' was eaasssyy! But I took no pictures--I go in spurts!

It started Friday morning with a trip to Westland for the purchase of a new used car- a pretty plum 2000 Saturn with only 42,000 miles on it (literally owned by a little old lady) - it just needs a repair to its air conditioning. It was a great deal and hopefully will save us money on gas.

Friday evening - out for a convertible ride with Mark and Joyce for their anniversary - good food at Banfield's West Side Grille, ice cream at Washtenaw Dairy and fun on a beautiful evening!

Saturday - Praise Team practice, "Quinn tutoring" while it rained and it didn't matter - at least to me (the garage salers may have had different thoughts).
A trip to Flat Rock and a great late lunch with old friends and then a 50th anniversary pig roast.

Sunday - Started the day with great worship, and then an invitation to go out on their boat with the Woehlke family, who also invited Quinn. We got to Wampler's Lake and discovered it was quite choppy, but out we went, anyway. They have a great two person "tube" and my favorite images were two little blonde heads bobbing up and down as Quinn and Ella took their turn. Next it was Lucy and Mommy, and then Sophie and Mommy. I passed, this time.

Back to our house for a swim and a barbecue and lively discussion of Interlochen vacation planning.

The only crink in the weekend--Tom slipped and fell right on his shoulder - no golf for him today. Feel better, Tom! Lucy, also fell down some steps a couple of times. It's amazing how much faster a toddler can bounce back compared to us adults.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Summer Distractions

Summertime and the livin' is eeeaasy! My goal for the first couple of week's of my summer vacation was to clean out all my closets and cupboards! I did get 7 out of about 17 completed. But then again, it's summer and the distractions pull me more than the desire to have organization! Here are some of my distractions: visits with friends (old and new);
computer research of family history; birthdays; visiting with Andy, Christie, and Winston; watching Lucy (by the way, don't you love her haircut ala Sophia the hairdresser?);

a Sudoku puzzle book; renting movies (I haven't rented a movie in years--but I've gotten into it this summer.); and now blogging while my linen closet and toy closet call me! Have an eeeaasy summer, everyone!