Saturday, September 29, 2007

Who Needs Apple Charlies?

We have Apple Tom's!
The McClelland kids came by last night and we picked apples - Grampy style! One tree yielded some big ones this year--if only we'd spray for bugs, we could have quite a crop! Oh well, then I'd have to do something with them. I'll make applesauce today and maybe a pie if I have time. Right now, my "competency" for my class is calling me so I better quit procrastinating! Ugh! Have a beautiful Saturday everyone!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Happy Birthday, Joyce!

This picture says a lot about my friend Joyce--in there getting down and dirty--not only with her grandchild--but with mine. Everybody's "Grammy", aunt, mom, and friend--jetting from here to there to be a loving, caring, giving part of so many lives! Happy Birthday, Joyce! I love you!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Piano Strings and Other Things

I have lots of time this morning. St. Paul does not have school today or tomorrow. The teachers are attending a conference. But alas and alack, that doesn't mean I have the days off. Ann Arbor Christian is in session. I usually go there at noon, but I will leave early since I have an IEPC meeting to prepare for. Tomorrow I have another meeting at the time that I'm supposed to be at St. Paul. This one is our "Cluster" meeting. A meeting with 3 other LSEM teachers to discuss issues. Unfortunately, there is one who dominates the conversation and drives me crazy. I'm supposed to come away from those meetings feeling supported, but I usually come away wanting to tear my hair out.

It was a beautiful weekend, wasn't it? However, I spend a good deal of it inside in front of my computer-- my online class. I did well on my first competency, but I have to figure out how to spend a lot less time on them, since I have to write one each week from now until December. My first one was about 8 pages long.

Tom has two funerals this week, so he will be busy also.

Yesterday, I did spend some time outside. I cleaned out my pond. I'm losing the battle at keeping it algae free. I couldn't see the fish even when they came to the top to eat. I battled the mosquitoes as I was doing it.

Quinn called yesterday and wanted to come over, so he and Avery visited while Mom, Dad, and Kaleigh went to Lowe's. We made pancakes for supper, looked at how the inside of the piano works (Quinn had told me what he learned in music class about hammers and strings inside the piano, but hadn't gotten to see it in action), played with poker chips (making patterns and towers), and read books.

Have a good week everyone!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Memorial Service

Yesterday at 2:00 about 300 people gathered under a tent at the Washtenong Cemetery north of Ann Arbor. It was a yearly memorial service for all of those who donated their bodies for study at U of M. My dad was one of those so my mom, Tom and I, and my two sisters were there. It was an interesting service and at times quite moving. They never mentioned the names of the donors, not even a listing, which was fine. The entire thing was put on by medical students and there were many in attendance in their white coats. There was some beautiful music (all performed by med students) and about five speeches by med students and one young doctor all expressing their gratitude for what the donations of bodies mean for them. I was quite impressed. Of course, one thing sadly missing was a reference to Jesus. There was a pretty generic, long, and flowery prayer, however, to the "Creator". It was a much bigger "deal" than I expected it to be. Dad would have loved the speeches and the gratitude expressed. He would also have loved to be present as they were studying his body. He would have been in there teaching right along with the professors.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Over the Weekend

Bob and Emily purchased a new used boat. It came with plenty of lifejackets, ski equipment, and tubing "stuff". Won't this be fun up at Duck Lake next year? If only it came with a season's supply of gas.

We also had a puppet show and an exercise session! They wore me out just watching them.

Finally we watched Ella play soccer or "Bunchball" as Bob calls it because they all bunch up. It's fun watching the coach trying to keep them all doing what they're supposed to be doing.

I spent the rest of the weekend with church/Praise Team/Rally Day activities, tomatoes, and homework!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Missing Mikey!

What can we do to get Mike blogging on a daily basis again. I miss his insights. I miss his humor. I need my morning laughs. How about it, Mike?

Thursday, September 13, 2007

A Luxury!

I decided to afford myself a luxury this year. Since I'm working more hours and since I'm taking a class, I decided to hire a housecleaner. Sara and her boyfriend (aka "Majestic Maids")are my housecleaning team. Yesterday they did a big thorough clean, and now will come every two weeks! Wow! What a pleasure to come home and have places clean that I haven't cleaned in a very long time--if ever! The bonus of it is that Tom and I are inspired to straighten and organize things. Tom went through his clothes and got rid of many things he never wears anymore. What a luxury!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Think Positively

The Bible teaches us to give thanks in all circumstances. So I'm trying very hard to thank God for the mosquitoes. I need all of you to help me think of the positive things about these creatures. I looked for the prettiest picture that I could find of one. So here are some reasons to be thankful for the mosquitoes. Feel free to add to my list because I'm sure mine won't be too long:
1. They keep me inside working on my homework.
2. They provide me with a laugh when I see the get-up Tom wears to go outside and mow the lawn.
3. They give me an excuse for not dealing with the myriad of tomatoes out in the garden.
4. They make cute little red bumps on my grandchildren.
5. Are they helping our economy? The sale of bugspray? Or is it manufactured in China?
6. They were wonderfully absent for most of the summer.
7. They provide me with exercise as I wildly move my arms and legs on my way out to my car.
8. They provide dinner for the spiders that have made their webs over my pond. (Sorry Christie!)

That's the best that I can do! Okay, God, I've praised you for them. Can you take them away now?

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Prayers Please!

Joyce called me a little bit ago on her way to the airport She wanted to ask for prayers for Amy and Maddy. Amy's blood pressure is dangerously high and so they are going to induce her. There's a concern because her blood pressure is too high to do a C-section if the induction doesn't work. I'm sure she won't mind me using the blog to ask for prayers. If so, forgive me Joyce and Amy. God be with all of you!

I'm Getting a Stiff Neck Already

--from working on the computer. I have started my class online--"Assessment of the Special Learner". I think it will be a lot like blogging (only I'll have to be a lot more knowledgeable, and sound intelligent as I do it.) We have a discussion group and have to bring up new topics and reply to others' topics numerous times throughout the course and get graded on our "discussions". And we have to take several "comps" along the way. We'll have to answer a theoretical question to show we "get it". The professor has cautioned us not to hit the enter key or the tab key as we write our comp or it will be sent prematurely and then it's "Too Bad, So Sad". So now I will be living in fear of what my pinkies are up to as I'm trying to think and create and type at the same time.
I think the discussion group will be interesting. There is a variety of ages, locations, and backgrounds of the participants. We have two so far that live in the Middle East, one in Chicago, one in Missouri, one in Traverse City, young ones planning weddings, people that talk about their children and quite a few that talk about their dogs. (In the beginning the professor introduced herself as being the lover of her two precious dogs--I hope I won't lose credit for not having one.) So far it appears that I'm the oldest. There is one that is 51, but I've got her beat.
Please pray for me--that I will be able to keep up with the rigors of this class, my job and my life in general; that I will learn a lot; and that I will enjoy it.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

On Your Mark, Get Set, Go!

Go, Ella! Go, Quinn! Have a great first day of kindergarten! I pray you love it, learn a lot, make lots of friends, and especially love learning for the next 17 or so years!

Go, Joyce, Melissa, Mary, me, and all those other teachers out there! I pray we love it, learn a lot, teach wisdom, knowledge, and the joy of learning!

Go Christie, Matt,and me, and all those who are furthering their learning! I pray we love it, learn a lot, and use what we learn to make this a better world!


Saturday, September 01, 2007

Camping at Grammy and Grampy's

Last night we had a campout in our yard. Except for some mosquitos, it was a grand time.

Quinn helped his dad putting up the tent.

Lucy kept heading for the stairs! So she didn't stay around long. She and her daddy went to sleep in their own beds.

Grampy offers some TLC.

There was time for silliness.

There was huddling around the campfire (with a bit of mosquito battling - particularly Emily).

There was dancing and toasting marshmallows.

The evening ended with a bedtime story by Grampy. Afterwards, Heidi, Scott and all the children except Lucy stayed in the cool 3-room tent that Heidi found at a garage sale.

About seven in the morning in came the march of cold campers into the house. We had waffles, bacon, and blueberries for breakfast and everyone headed home. What a fun campout!