Monday, November 27, 2006

I'm Finished!!

This is a record for me! I finished my Christmas shopping yesterday! Woohoo! Unless, the two things that are backordered online don't show up!

They redid the Target on Ann Arbor-Saline Road, and I don't like it at all! But, the Carpenter Road Target is just fine and with Heidi's help, I practically danced out of the store knowing "mission" accomplished!

My budget this year, and my goal to cut down on "stuff" in our world, meant that I'm not giving as much "stuff" this year. Not that I don't love the recipients as much, but I would just rather lavish them with things other than "stuff".

Yayy! Now I can concentrate on the best things about Christmas!!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Thanksgiving Down Time

So far the Thanksgiving break has been lots of fun. This afternoon I am watching the McClelland children while Mom and Dad have a well deserved time away for a few hours. Quinn is off with Grampy loading up wood at Opa's. Kaleigh is taking a nap and Avery is taking a "Blues Clues" semi-rest. So I have some time to blog.

Thanksgiving Day was full of food and fun. Yesterday more fun and food with the Patterson/Schroeder brunch! (See the blogs of those who have posted pictures!) Last night we went to GG and GGpas with our leftovers and I lost 3 games of Scrabble. This morning a haircut, a trip to the Cow Palace for Mary's craft sale, and some plumbing repair work (I assisted). This week the pipes under the kitchen sink had way more use than they're used to and sprang a leak.

Maybe tomorrow I'll do a little Christmas shopping even though the stores will probably be as picked over as the turkey carcasses in many a refrigerator!

Thanks to all of you that made the Schroeder Thanksgiving weekend special! And to those of you that we didn't get to see, Happy Day After the Day After Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Thanks for Tables and Thanksgiving!

Today is my last day with students this week. My Wednesday school is not in session tomorrow. However, I have to figure out a way to teach this morning without a table. I came into my room and my table is gone. I guess it will be floor time for us. It may work with my first and 2nd graders. But I'm not sure how my 7th grader will appreciate it. And it may take longer for me to get up and down. Also, my director is coming in this morning to observe and to touch base with my principals.

Tomorrow will be spent going to Elmer Sell's funeral. Then cleaning house and preparating for Thursday's meal! Gotta go!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Hail to the Conquering Hero

One of my former student's Dad was a former U of M quarterback and a good friend to Bo (Tom Slade). He died last Sunday of leukemia. His funeral was at St. Paul on Thursday and although I didn't go to the funeral, I heard that Bo was there. He, along, with many other people heard a sermon on the theme "Hail to the Conquering Hero" with the idea that we are more than conquerors through Jesus. The next morning Bo died. I don't know about Bo's faith, but I'm very thankful that he got to hear the message of the real Hero!

Last night I also heard Bo's good friend, Don Shane, tell the story of how Bo came up from Florida and sat by Tom Slade's bedside for five hours waiting for him to wake up. He was quite a guy!

Go Blue! Win one for the Bo!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

So Much to Wonder About

Tuesday I spent all day at a conference on autism which could scare the bejeebers out of anyone wanting children, or without a faith. So many theories, so much of an increase, not many solutions! And when I think of all the "wires" in our brains that can be crossed or disconnected, or clogged with proteins, or injured, or whatever, it's amazing that we aren't all walking around like zombies! I praise God for our brains and for the complex, miraculous, adapting organs that they are!

Monday, November 13, 2006

To Switch or not to Switch?

I, like Ron, and probably like all of us, got the chance to switch to a new blogger "thing". But when I clicked on it to investigate I was a bit timid about going on. I think I'll wait for some of you experts to lead the way--then let us know how to proceed.

My extra long weekend seemed to go extra fast. I spent time with my grandchildren, I worked on the Children's Christmas Program (yes, I volunteered this year), I had a free meal at Mac's for my birthday and a wonderful brunch at Bob and Emily's. I did some Christmas shopping, I had Praise Team practice, and that's about it. It doesn't seem like that should fill up three days, but it did!

Blessings on your new week!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Priceless Moments with Pals, Pizza, PJ's and Precious Kids

Yesterday afternoon Joyce called and wanted to take me out for supper. I had already accepted an invitation to Emily's for pizza, so I invited Joyce there, too. Heidi and her kids were invited also. Joyce brought me new pj's for my birthday, we held Lucy, and watched the antics of 5 other children. What a fast fun evening as she had to move on to an LWML meeting and I had two choirs to direct. For the simple pleasures of the moments we spend with people we love, thank you Lord!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Gratitude Attitude

I woke up this morning with an attitude that is about as gloomy as the day, so I decided I'd better change it to an attitude of gratitude! So here are some things I'm thankful for:
- a morning devotion about our Good Shepherd
- heated seats in the borrowed Impala
- "Aha!" moments with students
- Grandchildren sitting on my lap pouring over toy catalogs
- a visit with Opa and Jane and conversations about this person and that and how they're related to whom
- news that my dad was able to keep down his breakfast yesterday
- the election commercials are finally over
- progress reports are nearly done
- I don't have to work on Friday
- a loving and faithful husband: loving and faithful parents, children and their spouses, and grandchildren; loving and faithful friends

This list could and should go on and on, but I've run out of time this morning!
Have a great "Gratitude Attitude" Day :)!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Here's Lucy!

I heard a complaint or two that we haven't seen what Lucy looks like these days! I told Emily and she emailed me this picture. Why no Sophie? I'm not sure, except that probably getting three children to cooperate at the same time isn't so easy. Lucy is a delight. She is starting to smile and coo and respond. I think that you can tell from the picture that Ella adores her! Bob has become somewhat of a professional photographer. He even got himself the whole umbrella lighting system and backdrop. So I'm hoping we'll see lots more of these. (Hint,Hint!)

In other news, please keep my dad in your prayers. He's not doing so well.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Where is Mark when I need him?

I hate to admit this--but I still have dishes from Sunday sitting on my counter! I can't believe it. This week has been so busy and with the time change, when I finally get home, I'm so tired I'm ready to go right to bed! And the prospect for the next couple of days doesn't look any better. Our youth are putting on the service this Sunday and need "guitar" support--so practice tonight! I haven't even started progress reports which have to be done this weekend. Yeesh!

In other news--glad tidings! My nephew Ted and his wife Sarah had a beautiful baby girl early yesterday morning--Bethany Allyson--7 lbs. 11 oz.! What a blessing, especially considering Sarah had a burst appendix in the middle of her pregnancy. They say the baby saved her life, because the growing fetus blocked the poisons from spreading through her body! God is good!

Have a great Thursday, everyone!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Truth or Consequences!

Okay, tell the truth! How many of you remember "Truth or Consequences"? With host Bob Barker? I heard this morning that Bob Barker will be retiring after 35 years of "The Price is Right" and 50 years on television! Could anyone possibly replace him?

Next June 7th I may have to take a day off of school in order to watch his last show. What a sad day that will be! But I guess after 50 years, he deserves to retire! We'll miss you, Bob!