We're Off!
We'll see some of you up north and the rest of you, blog ya' later! God be with us all!
I don’t like that Joyce and Ron started counting the days left of summer vacation. The reality is that September is coming way too quickly. But it has been a great summer and I’m anticipating more fun. This Saturday we will leave for 13 days of vacation on top of my summer vacation! A week of reunion type fun in Interlochen –it used to be 4 adults and six children in one cottage. This time it will be 14-16 adults and 9 children (all six and under) in three cottages. The logistics of that is a bit more daunting than it used to be. Please pray that things go “swimmingly” and that a good time is had by all!
It was another gorgeous weekend for me where the livin' was eaasssyy! But I took no pictures--I go in spurts!
Summertime and the livin' is eeeaasy! My goal for the first couple of week's of my summer vacation was to clean out all my closets and cupboards! I did get 7 out of about 17 completed. But then again, it's summer and the distractions pull me more than the desire to have organization! Here are some of my distractions: visits with friends (old and new);