Filled to Overflowing!

It's still dark this Thanksgiving morning! My turkey is in the oven and it's starting to smell good! I sat down to blog my thank"full"ness this morning. I looked over lots of pictures, tried to come up with an ABC list of things I'm thankful for, and then remembered an incident last night that made me "overflow" with joy and gratitude. Church was almost over. I was sitting in the back because the choir had sung, I could see Tom up in the front, my mom was there, too. Emily's family was about 6 rows in front of me and Heidi's family was across the aisle and a few rows up. We were saying the Lord's Prayer and (forgive me Lord) my mind wandered away from the prayer. I could see Quinn and Avery standing with their hands folded (I couldn't see Kaleigh or Ella or Sophie), but then I heard this little voice. It was Lucy! She was in her mother's arms with her hands folded and in a bold voice saying the parts of the Lord's Prayer that she knew. My thank"full"ness was overflowing for MANY things! And even though the economy is bad, and Scott is without a job, we are truly rich! We have a family that knows and loves Jesus! What else do we need?

Thanks, Lucy, for the beautiful reminder of our greatest blessing! (By the way, I think her joy was overflowing, too. On the last hymn she had her hymnal open and was singing out--making a joyful noise to the Lord.)