Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Decisions! Decisions!

This week I have to make a decision as to whether I want to take a another class and get it over with this spring, or take the spring term off and enjoy myself. The professor of the class is the one that I had in the fall and she required a LOT of work. Plus it's a shorter doubled up term. Oh, what to do? What to do?

In other news, as of yesterday Scott's brother was doing quite a bit better. He is still heavily sedated but his blood pressure and oxygen levels were up where they should be. As late as Sunday night, he had coded again, so his improvements are a testament to the power of prayer. Keep praying, please.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Prayers Please!

Please keep the McClelland family in your prayers. A week ago, Scott's 10 year old nephew, Devon, fell and hit his head. To make a long story short he had a helicopter ride from Saginaw to Mott's Children's Hospital and two brain surgeries later is recuperating. His dad, Gary (Scott's brother), who has been himself recovering from previous surgery, was staying down in Ann Arbor with Devon while his wife went back up to Saginaw. This morning Gary wasn't feeling well and went to the ER while at U of M hospital and then had a massive heart attack. He is in critical condition and at this point it's pretty touch and go. Please pray for their whole family.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Showered With Love

Heidi, Emily, and I headed to the west side of the state today to attend a wedding shower for Christie. It was held at her mom's house and given by her maid of honor, Kelly. It was a great time and Christie was showered with love and gifts. There were fun activities, like Christie baking a cake without a recipe, writing limericks in honor of the bride and groom, lots of good food, and fun. Thanks, Kelly and Marlene. Here are some pictures:

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


As I drove past the gas station this morning I noticed a new price up on the sign! Yikes! Last night I was working on getting tax "stuff" together - our fun Saturday morning appointment! I printed up an "Income and Expense" Report from my "Money" computer program. I took note of our gasoline expenses in 2007 and realized that they were more than our combined total annual salaries for our first year of marriage -- actually probably more than our first 5 years of marriage! Yikes, again!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Synopsis of my weekend--and Monday

Ron's right! We haven't had consistent blogging in a while. So, here's my contribution -- a synopsis of my weekend--boring as it may be.
Friday night - watched McClelland children while Scott was in WV for his uncle's funeral and Heidi was working.
Saturday - finished up some "experimental" sewing projects, made a fancy hot fudge sundae basket for silent auction at church on Sunday, finished homework for my class.
Sunday - went to church, chili cook-off, silent auction, stopped at my mom's, and went to Laurel Park Place and found an outfit for Andy and Christie's wedding. I decided to give up on the sewing--way too much to do and too much stress.
Monday - school as usual, went to return "just in case" outfit at Dress Barn (I didn't much like it anyway), went to return material, buttons, thread, interfacing, etc. at Joann's. I'm sure they won't want to see me in there for a while. Then I went home and cleaned up my sewing room mess!

There, pretty boring--but at least I blogged.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Hard Morning at AACS

The excitement of a snow day off yesterday was squelched by the news that the mother of 2 little girls at Ann Arbor Christian passed away unexpectedly sometime late Tuesday night. It will be a hard morning at AACS. Please pray for Leah (3rd grade) and Hannah (2nd grade), their dad, and the teachers and principal here as they deal with raw emotions and hard explanations this morning.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Ham, Anyone?

Conversation with Quinn last night.

Quinn: "Grammy, that chicken looks good."

Grammy: "Thank you, Quinn, but it's not chicken, it's pork. Do you know where pork comes from?"

Quinn: "No"

Grammy: "It comes from a pig."

Quinn: "Oh!.....I know where ham comes from!"

Grammy: "You do? Where?"

Quinn: "From a hamster."


Sunday, March 02, 2008

An Old Picture and Some New Ones

I was working to try to edit a picture on my computer tonight and this one popped up all by itself. I don't recall ever seeing it before and I don't know how it got on my computer. But what a fun surprise! It had a label on it - Emily and Ella in the Park.

These pictures were taken yesterday having some snow fun with the McClelland's!

Have a good week everyone!